Terms and Conditions

Day Trip Terms and Conditions

  • Booking and Payment

When a booking is made, the 'lead name' on the booking guarantees that he or she is 18 or over and has the authority and accepts on behalf of the party the terms of these booking conditions and pays the deposit indicated and as confirmed in the pre-contract information. After we receive your booking and all appropriate payments, if the arrangements you wish to book are available, we will send you a confirmation invoice within 14 days (or sooner if the trip is before the 14 days). This confirmation will include any special requests we have agreed to. Please check the confirmation carefully to ensure all the information is correct. This contract is governed by English Law, and the jurisdiction of the English Courts.

Payments in full must be received at the time of booking to secure your place.

  • Website Accuracy

Although Mosaic Tours Ltd make every effort to ensure the accuracy of the website information and pricing, regrettably errors do sometimes occur. You must therefore ensure you check the price and all other details of your holiday with us at the time of booking and when you receive our confirmation invoice.

  • If you change your booking

If, after our confirmation has been issued, you wish to change to another of our day trips or change departure date, we will do our utmost to make the changes, but we cannot guarantee to do so. However, notification must be received in writing at our offices from the ’lead passenger’, at least 2 weeks before departures. Alterations cannot be made within 2 weeks of departure and any such request for an alteration will be treated as a cancellation of the original booking and will be subject to the cancellation charges set out in paragraph below. Some arrangements cannot be changed without paying a cancellation charge of up to 100% of the ticket cost.

  • Transferring your booking

You can transfer your booking to somebody else, but the person must satisfy all the conditions of the trip and you must inform us either by email no less than 7 days before departure. This transfer will cost £5 per booking plus reasonable costs to make the transfer. You will remain responsible for ensuring payment before the transfer is completed.

  • If you need to cancel your trip

You or any member of your party, may cancel your holiday at any time provided the cancellation is made by the ’lead passenger’ and is communicated to us by email.. You must pay cancellation charges to cover our administration costs and to compensate for the risk of us not reselling the day trip. Your cancellation will take effect from the date on which we receive your written confirmation of your cancellation.

Period before departure within which written cancellation of package price is received

Amount of cancellation charge as a % of total package cost

More than 42 days


42 - 29 days


28 - 15 days


14 - 1 days


Departure day or later including voluntary termination during the package


You may cancel your holiday without paying any termination fee before the start of the holiday, in the event of unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances occurring at the place of destination or its immediate vicinity, for instance, if there are serious security problems at the destination which are likely to affect the package.

COVID-19 if a member of your party tests positive for Covid-19 and you have to unfortunately cancel your trip with us. Please email us a copy of your positive result (from the NHS) and we will provide you with a full refund for that ticket holder.

  • Our responsibility to you

We accept responsibility for ensuring the day trip you booked with us is supplied as described in our publicity material and the services offered reach a reasonable standard and if you are in difficulty, we will assist you. If any part of our day trip contract is not provided as promised, you may terminate the contract without paying a termination fee and we will pay you appropriate compensation if this has affected your enjoyment of your day trip. We will, however, not be liable if there are any unforeseeable or unavoidable actions of a third party not connected with our travel services, or there were unavoidable or extraordinary circumstances, or the lack of conformity is due to a traveller in the party. We accept responsibility for the acts and/or omissions of our employees, agents and suppliers except where they lead to death, injury or illness. Our liability in all cases shall be limited to a maximum of twice the value of the original day trip cost (not including insurance premiums and amendment charges). We accept responsibility for death, injury, or illness caused by the negligent acts and/or omissions of our employees or agents together with our suppliers and sub-contractors, servants and/or agents of the same whilst acting within the scope of, or during their employment in the provision of your day trip. We will accordingly pay to our clients such damages as might have been awarded in such circumstances under English Law. In respect of carriage by air, sea, tunnel and rail and the provision of accommodation our liability in all cases will be limited in the manner provided by the relevant international convention.

If we make any payment to you or any member of your party for death or personal injury or illness, you will be asked to assign to us or our insurers the rights you may have to act against the person or organisation responsible for causing the death, personal injury or illness. This clause does not apply to any separate contracts that you may enter for excursions or activities during or outside of your day trip.

  • If you have a complaint

If you have a problem during your day trip, please inform your Tour Manager, your driver or the relevant representative immediately who will endeavour to put things right. If your complaint cannot be completely resolved locally and you remain dissatisfied please follow this up within 14 days of your return home by emailing Mosaic Tours,. giving your original booking reference number and all other relevant information.. It is therefore a condition of this contract that you communicate any problem to the supplier of the services in question AND to our representative whilst in resort and obtain a written report form. If you fail to follow this simple procedure, we cannot accept responsibility as we have been deprived of the opportunity to investigate and rectify the problem.

  • Our Coaches

We will always use our reasonable endeavours to provide a coach to the specification on our website but reserve the right to substitute an alternative vehicle should there be unforeseen circumstances. There is a seating plan but, in some cases, operational reasons may require a coach with a different configuration. We reserve the right to alter a coach seating plan and allocate seats other than those booked. Single passengers may be required to share a double seat with other single passengers. When your booking is confirmed, you will be offered the best seats that are available at that time. If you feel that you require two seats, then these must be booked and paid for in advance, at the time of booking. If you fail to do this and it transpires that the seat allocated to you is insufficient for your needs and there is no alternative seating available, then you will be refused access to the coach and any payments made will be liable to forfeiture.

NO SMOKING is allowed on our coaches (including E-Cigarettes) and we do not allow pets or any other animals, although we accommodate registered assistance dogs.

  • Passengers with Disabilities

We want everyone to enjoy our travel arrangements. We are happy to advise and assist you in choosing a suitable day trip. But, as some of the resorts featured may not cater for even minor disabilities, it is important that, when booking, you advise us of any disability, specific need or complex need you may have and any special requirements that will make sure the day trip is suitable. If a passenger requires personal assistance (for example, assistance with feeding, dressing, toileting, mobilising) then this passenger must travel with an able-bodied companion or carer and written confirmation that such assistance will be provided for the entirety of the holiday is required at the time of booking. Coach drivers/Tour Managers are unable to provide such assistance.

  • Passenger Behaviour

We want all our customers to have a happy and carefree day trip. You are responsible for your behaviour and hygiene and the effect it may have on others. If you or any other member of your party is abusive, disruptive or behaves in a way that could cause damage or injury to others or affect their enjoyment of their day trip or which could damage property, we have the right to terminate your contract with us and we will have no further liability or obligation to you. The coach driver/representative or authorised official is entitled to refuse you boarding if in their reasonable opinion you are unacceptably under the influence of drink or drugs or you are being violent or disruptive. If you are refused boarding on the outward journey, we will regard it as a cancellation by you and we will apply cancellation charges. If on your return journey, we have the right to terminate the contract with you. We also request that mobile phone calls are kept to a minimum & media devices are only used with personal headphones.